Development strategy of the School of Law by 2020 and vision to 2030
Cập nhật lúc 16:32, 28/02/2018 (GMT+7)


- The Documents of the 10th,11th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam; the Resolution No. 29-NQ /TW, dated 4/11/ 2013, the 8th session of the 11th Congress of the National Assembly on fundamental and comprehensive renewal of education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialization and modernization of the country in socialist-oriented market economy conditions and international integration;

- The Education Development Strategy in the period of 2011-2020 promulgated in accordance with the Decision No. 711/QĐ-TTg dated 13/06/2012 of the Prime Minister.

- Science and Technology Development Strategy in the period of 2011-2020 promulgated by the Decision No. 418/QĐ-TTgdated 11/04/2012 of the Prime Minister.

- Higher Education Law 2012; Action Program to implement Resolution No. 29-NQ /TW, dated 04/11/2013 of the 8th session of the National Assembly, 11th term issued with the Resolution No. 44/NQ-CP, dated 09/6/2014 by the Government

- The Resolution of the 4th Party Committee Congress of Vietnam National University, Hanoi (2010);

- The National Strategy for Development of Vietnam National University, Hanoi to 2020 with a vision to 2030 and the five-year plan for development of Vietnam National University, Hanoi in the period of 2015-2020;

- The Resolution of the 4th and 5th Party Committee Congress of the School of Law;

- Self-assessment report of School of Law in September 2012 and external evaluation result of National University of Hanoi (according to the quality standards of member schools and faculties under Vietnam National University, Hanoi) in December, 2012;

- Demand for socio-economic development in the country, international context and ability to meet the resources and capacity to implement the development plan of the School of Law.


1. Strengths

1.1. School of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi (VNU) has a tradition of 40 years of high quality scientific research and research in the field of law, which is recognized by the Party, the State and society as one of the three Vietnam's leading law training centers.

1.2. As a unit under Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the School of Law always receives the attention and support of the Party Committee and the Board of Directors and inherits many advantages, especially the priority of investment by the State. General resources for personnel, facilities and other training projects of Vietnam National University, Hanoi for training and scientific research; Associate with the training and research units in Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

1.3. The School owns a high level of staff, dedicated to its development. At present, there are 120 cadres, officers and employees in the School of Law, of which 79 are trainers, accounting for 65.8%. The number of doctoral degrees is 59, accounting for 74.7% of the total number of lecturers; the number of professors and associate professors is 24, accounting for 30.37% of the total number of trainers. The number of domestic and foreign trainers is 18.

In addition to the trainers mentioned above, School of Law also has a staff of highly qualified staff of the training units under Vietnam National University, Hanoi to teach the subjects of general knowledge.

In addition, the School has received enthusiastic support and close cooperation on teaching and research of nearly 200 teachers, scientists and professors with professors, associate professors and doctoral degrees from domestic and foreign training institutions, research institutes, legislative, executive and judicial bodies.

It can be affirmed that the School of Law is the law training institution with the largest number and the percentage of teachers with the title of professor, associate professor and doctoral degree in law science in Vietnam. Its staffs are enthusiastic, dedicated to the cause of education and the construction of the School.

At present, the School of Law is one of the hubs for collecting domestic and foreign scientific and legal staff to carry out training and scientific research tasks between scientific research and training and application of law in the socio-economic reality in our country.

1.4. The School of Law is the first law training institution in Vietnam. In the present time, it is training two bachelor's degree codes, eight master's degree programs, one of which is a pilot study, one is an international master's degree program, Initial training approached the quality of regional training. Especially, from 2009 to now, School of Law has organized dual training programs with a number of member universities in Vietnam National University, Hanoi to create conditions for students have the opportunity to develop their abilities and aspirations.

Training programs of the training systems, syllabi of the module and the system of learning materials of the School are compiled in a systematic, updated and regularly updated to meet the needs of the society. Training methods are diversified and flexible. Trainers use a variety of teaching methods, methods of examination and assessment, suitable for each type and mode of training

1.5. School of Law has a team of highly qualified staff, passion for scientific research; scientific research activities of the School are oriented towards research and training, directly serving the management and improving the quality of training of the School; combining basic research and applied research, researching issues related to realities and policies for national development. Every year, teachers of the School have published over 100 articles and reports of Quality Science in specialized science journals and in national and international scientific conferences. Many national and international scientific conferences have been held at the School with great echo, currently contributing to the orientation of legal research in Vietnam.

1.6. The School of Law has a growing cooperation with domestic and foreign prestigious partners and works effectively. The School of Law has attached great importance to strengthening the cooperative relations in order to make full use of human resources, intellect, experience, material facilities and finance, actively contributing to the process of international integration in training and scientific research of the School. Through the cooperation with universities, jurisprudence institutes, international organizations, the exchange of Teachers and students has been strengthened, the status and prestige in the country and abroad has been enhanced.

2. Weaknesses

2.1. In the organizational structure of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, School of Law is a specific type of training institution with an incomplete structure of a member university. Autonomy of the School is limited in many fields.

2.2. The quantity and quality of human resources are not sufficient to meet the mission, vision and strategic objectives to promote the School into a research-oriented member in Vietnam National University, Hanoi, which is reflected in the following aspects:

- The management staffs are not well-trained in modern university management, so the management and training support is lack of professionalism; Scientific research and development cooperation have neither achieved high efficiency, nor met requirements on plan calculation; Quality culture has not formed clearly. Besides, a part of professional working lack of professionalism leads to low productivity;

- Lack of instructors and lack of many leading experts, specialized in each field; Some top-tier professionals have reached retirement age; The number of lecturers has international papers and is known by many international and regional universities and lecturers. The number of lecturers who can participate in teaching in foreign languages does not really meet the requirements of developing and expanding training programs based on strategic tasks, international links, advanced and high quality programs of the School; Some lecturers still lack advanced teaching methods and modern research

2.3. Regarding university administration, the management and administration of the School has certain shortcomings. The collaboration between departments, functional departments, subjects in the School and between School and Vietnam National University, Hanoi is not high efficient.

2.4. Material facilities are lacking, backward and inconsistent; Limited financial resources have not met the requirements of development in the direction of high quality, regional and international level. Increased income of staff is not high, so it is difficult to attract good cadres to work in School. Some staff members are not really comfortable working or have to do extra work outside of their specialization to improve their lives

3. Opportunities

3.1. The society has great demand for legal experts, leaders, managers, analysts, consultants, policy reviewers, qualified lawyers and high quality. Many officials, civil servants, people have the demand for study and research in the field of law.

3.2. There is great interest of the Party, the State and Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The Party and the State have advocated a radical and comprehensive renewal of higher education in Viet Nam. There have been a number of guidelines and policies related to law making, judicial reform and the establishment of a number of important institutions. Legal training points to strengthen the training of legal staff for judicial, organizational and social bodies. The School of Law is being developed by Vietnam National University, Hanoi to soon become a member of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, gradually approaching regional and international level.

After being upgraded to become a member of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, the School of Law will have more opportunities to be interested and more advantageous, especially when the status and prestige of Vietnam National University, Hanoi is confirmed at home and abroad. In a multidisciplinary university, multi-field with high legal status such as Vietnam National University, Hanoi, in accordance with the trend of world university development, the School of Law with new status will be increased autonomy and self-responsibility in all its activities. At the same time, the School will have more financial resources to train staff in terms of professional skills, foreign languages ​​and computer skills to quickly meet the requirements of international integration in education quality and facilities upgrading.

3.3. The globalization process provides an opportunity to acquire good experience in applying advanced university management in training, scientific research, human resources, planning, finance, facilities, etc. through international cooperation programs with advanced universities, research institutes in the region and in the world, and motivation to attract many domestic and foreign high-level scientists to work in the School.

3.4. The Ministry of Education and Training, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and other societies are interested in examining and ensuring the quality of education, which is a condition for the School to step up its activities in order to ensure, maintain and improve the quality of education.

4. Threats

4.1. Internationalization of education has had a strong impact on the development of higher education, creating many opportunities and challenges for domestic and foreign higher education institutions. Competitiveness in higher education has become more acute than before. While Vietnam's higher education is less competitive than foreign training institutes due to a lack of mechanisms and resources for teaching-learning and scientific research (including the capacity of staff, facilities, budget ...).

4.2. The increasingly intense competition with other domestic and foreign law training institutions.

In the country, there are four universities specializing in law. In addition, there are nearly 40 universities licensed by the Ministry of Education and Training. Many of these institutions have good financial and institutional conditions to attract good cadets and students, thus leading to drastic competition in law training in the country, monopoly, market share of enrollment sources, high-level trainers, and good managers.

Foreign law schools are enhancing the international element of law training, thus creating conditions for attracting foreign students, including those in Vietnam. On the other hand, under the influence of the process of innovation, international integration and globalization, leading to the risk of brain drain, highly qualified science staff and excellent managerial personnel of the Department are easily attracted by those with higher incomes, better working conditions and promotion opportunities. This phenomenon makes the School stand at the risk of lagging, not meet the development and social needs.

4.3. Teaching and management staff must constantly improve their professional skills, foreign languages and informatics in order to meet the rapid development of science and technology and the increasing demand of the society in terms of training quality and management.


1. To develop the School of Law under Vietnam National University, Hanoi in line with the Party's and State's guidelines and policies, in line with socio-economic development strategies, education and training, science and technology and development strategy of Vietnam National University, Hanoi;

2. To promote all resources; promote the autonomy, self-responsibility of the society and creativity of the School; To promote cooperation and cooperation with other units of Vietnam National University, Hanoi, with agencies, organizations and localities, to expand cooperation with foreign partners to enhance and expand the position of School in the country and in the world.

3. To develop a comprehensive and sustainable School in all disciplines, applying breakthrough solutions; To promote research in legal science; To focus on building a number of specialized and advanced training disciplines on the basis of internationalization of training programs.


1. Missions

To train high quality human resources, high level of legal oriented experts, management leadership; To create disseminate legal knowledge; basic research and application in law; To provide consultancy, review and render legal services of high value to the State, organizations, society and citizens to meet the requirements of national construction and development

2. Vision

To become a university oriented research on high-integrity, branded and prestigious law in the universities of law in Southeast Asia..

3. Core values

- High quality: The School of Law always strives for high quality in every field, in all activities of each individual, unit, collective. This is the right choice for mission, vision, strategic goals towards regional and international level. High quality and efficiency in all activities of the School is both a goal and a driving force for development of the School.

- Innovation, Creativity and Sustainable Development: The School of Law is a creative environment that encourages, encourages and creates favorable conditions for progressive ideas, innovations and creative activities in teaching-learning, scientific research and other activities contributing to development of the School, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and society. Innovation and creativity must ensure sustainable development.

- High social responsibility: The School of Law is highly responsible for the society, committed to providing learners with the highest quality training and service, committed to providing the society with training products, scientific research with the best service, highest quality; contributing actively to the development of the country.


1. General objectives

To promote the School of Law as the leading research-oriented university in law in Vietnam, to meet the basic criteria of research university in the region, including advanced training in area. To build up high prestige, international relations with enough competitiveness and equal cooperation with legal training establishments in the region as well as in the world and actively integrate them to meet the requirements of construction and develop the country.

2. Specific objectives

2.1. Training high-quality human resources with high qualifications in service of the country's socio-economic development and international integration requirements

- The School provides training to undergraduate, master and doctoral degrees. The scale of training levels and structure shall be reasonable, balanced and diversified depending on the university's research orientation.

- The scale of training of high-quality and advanced programs, international cooperation training shall be proportionate to the scale of training of standard programs.

- To develop new majors and disciplines in line with the School's strengths and development requirements; It will focus on the development of new branches /interdisciplinary branches, inter-linkages between training, scientific research and services, meeting the requirements of Vietnam and international integration. Training programs and processes are adjusted according to the learning outcomes, learners are the center of the training process.

- Training programs are accredited nationally and internationally. Graduates who are capable of competing and adapting to the development trend of the society can work or continue studying and researching at any international and domestic training institution, research institute or organization.

2.2. Research into legal science, transfer intellectuals for industrialization and modernization of the country

- To promote basic research in legal sciences, contributing to improving the quality of training and to the development of the legal sciences of the country.

- To provide theoretical foundations, scientific basis, science forecasts and scientific arguments for the elaboration of lines, policies and law, contributing to the settlement of issues of a periodical nature, serving for building a socialist law-governed State and developing the country

- To scale up and improve the quality of science, the practical value of legal science research studies with approach to the regional level. Legislative research projects and products have high quality, capable of application, deployment and socio-economic efficiency as the basis for raising the quality of teaching and consultancy and criticism. Law and policies contribute to promoting the development of the country.

- To form the School of Legal Science of the School of Law. The annually published numbers of scientific works in international journals and prestigious international scientific conferences increase.

2.3. International integration, empowerment and prestige promotion of the School of Law

- Organizational structure, development criteria of the School of Law suitable with research universities, meeting the requirements of international integration.

- Some branches and specialized training courses of high quality and advanced level. Some advanced training programs of foreign countries were transferred and held training at School of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi. To well exchange the students and lecturers with law universities in the region and in the world. To attract many international lecturers and students to work and study at the School of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi.


1. To renovate and improve the efficiency of the education of ideological politics and management towards university administration

- To strengthen the leadership of the Party, the dynamism and creativity of individuals, units and mass organizations in order to promote the political work to make people understand the mission, vision, the goal of the School, to recognize the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of the School in the coming years to jointly develop the leading School of Law in Vietnam in the future.

- To strengthen solidarity and consensus in the School. The environment, working conditions, civilized, respectful, trustworthy, friendly, democratic, fair and objective in the activities of the School and the evaluation and use of treatment by quality, number product quality and work efficiency. To encourage, create favorable conditions and opportunities for all cadres, employees and workers in the School to develop, improve and ready to dedicate to serving the community, the collective. To strengthen the autonomy, to promote the creativity and self-responsibility of individuals and collectives in enhancing the prestige of the School of Law and Vietnam National University, Hanoi

- To apply the approach based on quantity and quality of outputs. To evaluate the effectiveness of training activities, science and technology and other activities according to the quality of output products.

- To strengthen the regular inspection and examination; To strengthen and effectively implement internal supervision in the field of activities in the School.

- To build and develop quality culture, office culture, community spirit and trademark of School of Law and Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

2. To promote the Department of Law into the School of Law with orientation of Human Resource Research and Development of the School with high capacity to gradually reach the regional and international level

2.1. Promoting the Department of Law into the School of Law toward research orientation

To develop the Department into a member of Vietnam National University, Hanoi under the direction of research, to have a rational structure and operate in close linkage with affiliated units and directly under Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

From 2015 to early 2017, School of Law concentrates all resources to prepare conditions for upgrading the School into a member of Vietnam National University, Hanoi. The organizational structure of the management apparatus is strengthened and improved in the direction of streamlining and compact. The prepare the conditions for forming the framework of the functional departments of the school later; The department, center and department are organized in line with the specialization of training and orientation for the development of science and service.

- To standardize the management system in the whole School and affiliated units in the direction of unified, synchronous, modern, closely linked and coordinated between training units, institutes, research centers, the School of the School; To improve the working process, to ensure the unified management and to bring into full play of the human resources and material facilities in service of the highest efficiency in training and scientific research.

- To complete the system of regulations and regulations on organization and operation in the Department; To standardize and modernize the management processes and apply uniformly the quality management system according to ISO 9001 - 2008 standards in the whole Department.

From 2017 to 2020, after the establishment, the organizational structure of the University will continue to be built, strengthened and strengthened according to the model of university with advanced, reasonable and professional research orientation. The administrative apparatus is light and compact in the direction of clearly assigning functions and tasks to achieve high efficiency in operation; Departments, institutes, centers ... are organized in line with the training majors and strategic orientations for the development of science and services, promoting traditional strengths of the School.

By 2030, it will strive to become the leading law university with research orientation in Vietnam, accredited by Ministry of Education and Training and Vietnam National University, Hanoi, of which at least 40% of the majors will be accredited according to the standards of educational quality assessment of the ASEAN Universities Network.

2.2. Human resource development of the School has the capacity to gradually reach the regional and international level

- To make team planning in accordance with development requirements up to 2020 and 2030 in terms of quality and scale. To build and develop a contingent of managerial cadres and scientific cadres with a rational structure of the branch /specialty, profession, age, gender, to ensure the inheritance and development, to focus on trainer resources, to overcome the shortage of high-level scientific officers, leading and leading. To develop the contingent of lecturers, researchers and administrators who are able to carry out the missions and strategic objectives of the School.

-To create a system of criteria, criteria for each type of staff as a basis for standardization of School staff; To implement the assignment and labor norms in line with the requirements of human resource development for each development period of the School.

- To formulate a policy of recruiting, attracting, employing and employing cadres, especially high-level scientific cadres and good administrators;

- To attract international scientists, international students in teaching, research.

- To develop regulations on the management of the observance of labor discipline by officials and lecturers and the system of criteria for evaluation and classification of laborers to pay salaries and increased incomes apart from salaries; To take measures to improve labor productivity, to strengthen solidarity and consensus in the whole School.

- To promote and improve the quality of planning, training, retraining and development of human resources.

- To make regularly training and retraining of the contingent of public servants and employees according to their titles and planning; To improve professionalism, responsibility for duty performance.

- To improve the quality of life of the staff by creating high-income jobs, a friendly working environment, to apply policies that provide opportunities for development and dedication to the team.

3. Improving the quality of human resource training, asymptotic to the quality of advanced universities in the region

- To renew the educational thinking, building the academic freedom environment, encouraging creativity; To strengthen linkages, cooperation, cooperation with units inside and outside Vietnam National University, Hanoi. At the same time, to pay attention to researching the needs of society in order to build and develop new specialized branches and disciplines in line with the demand for labor human resources in the labor market. To continue to implement and develop pilot training programs; high quality training programs; To build and develop specialized branches of regional and international standards; developing international training programs; to receive advanced training programs of developed countries; To build and develop multi-disciplinary training programs with high social demands.

- To review the contents and training programs in order to promptly update new knowledge, adjust, supplement and complete modern training curricula (university and postgraduate) to meet the demand. To train high-quality human resources for society; To innovate training methods towards the development of ethical qualities, visions, abilities and skills, enabling creativity, in which the CDIO methodology is applied and integrated with soft skills development in professional teaching.

- To carry out synchronously the solutions to quality inspection, improve the quality of output and job availability of learners, meeting the requirements of domestic and foreign labor markets.

4. Improving the quality and effectiveness of scientific research activities

- To develop a strategic plan for the development of scientific research activities by the year 2020 with a vision of 2030 towards building the School to become a center for research and consultancy on major science in law and some related fields closed to law. To associate legal education with training and services.

- To strengthen the basic research is the strength of the School to new levels. To incorporate basic research with applied research. To focus resources on basic research and priority applications.

- To build a strong research team with interdisciplinarity, including the development of an excellent research center capable of participating in bidding and implementation of large research projects, projects and programs with the brand name of the School of Law, Vietnam National University, Hanoi and to have the ability to consult and review policies for the Party and State.

- To institutionalize research tasks of lecturers, especially those with high academic degrees. To adopt mechanisms and policies to encourage and encourage staffs and lecturers to actively participate in scientific research, to have scientific and practical research works, to be highly scientific and be published in reputable national magazines.

- To formulate a mechanism and models of services and scientific consultancy in order to link scientific research activities and transfer scientific products to agencies, organizations, enterprises and localities.

- To adopt mechanisms and policies to attract postgraduate students, especially post-graduates, to participate in the implementation of study subjects and projects of guiding officials.

- To develop and finalize documents on management and administration of scientific and technological activities of the School; To develop law magazines into prestigious specialized journal approaching regional and international standards.

5. Enhancing the effectiveness of development cooperation activities

- To develop a strategic plan for the development of the development cooperation of the School to 2020 with a vision to 2030 and to have a specific plan for each development phase in the direction of improving the quality of training and research approaching the regional and international level.

- To build appropriate environment, mechanism and procedures to develop cooperative relations with domestic and foreign partners; To promote the initiative and potential of international cooperation of lecturers, professors and officers in the School.

- To strengthen the international cooperation in order to become a focal point for exchanging and cooperating with reputable regional and international legal institutions. In addition to strengthening the existing cooperation, actively expand the forms of international cooperation with new partners, especially universities, research institutes and prestigious international organizations. To develop strategic cooperation programs so that the unit can quickly integrate and develop.

- To develop international project teams capable of implementing the agreements signed with foreign partners. To take advantage of governmental and non-governmental organizations for investment or project development consultancy

- To maintain and consolidate existing programs of cooperation and training of School, lecturers and students of the unit, and to develop new training programs with different sizes and forms

- To build and expand the cooperation between the School and enterprises and localities. To attract scientists, managers and businessmen to participate in teaching and research under the coordination model. To attract resources for building

6. Enhancing conditions of material facilities, finance to ensure high quality in training, research and science

6.1. Regarding facilities

- To build and effectively deploy in-depth investment projects and a number of key research centers, to raise the training and research capacity of regional standards, in combination with other resources to upgrade the establishments, learning materials

- To renovate, repair and upgrade the existing facilities in Cau Giay area, such as classrooms, common living areas and working rooms for units in the School. To complete the renovation, to upgrade the E1 floor to meet the requirements of training, research in the waiting time to transfer to Hoa Lac. To promote the classrooms of the School into smart classrooms

- To step up the computerization in the entire School, to raise the capability of applying information technology to the management and operation as well as the implementation of training, scientific research and transfer of legal knowledge of the School.

- To modernize curriculums, lectures, learning materials, ensuring 100% of the subjects of the training programs according to the standards have at least one textbook, lecture and 01 quality reference. To invest in appropriate funding for the compilation and printing of textbooks, lectures, modernization of teaching equipment. To build a specialized library that meets the requirements of the Research Advanced Oriented University of Law.

- To formulate specific guidance in order to maximize the use of equipment and material foundations, to enhance the management and effective use of existing production and to prevent from wastefulness.

- To enhance the effective use of facilities and other resources shared in Vietnam National University, Hanoi.

6.2. Regarding the development and effective use of financial resources

- To formulate and perfect mechanisms and policies to promote the diversification of financial sources outside the State budget and efficiently use them through training, scientific research, international service and support. To mobilize capital from outside, from officials and employees in the unit, from investors through joint ventures and joint ventures ... to invest in improving material foundations and the supply of epidemics. social services.

- To well do in the planning and budgeting tasks. To make effective expenditures.


1. Organization of implementation

- The Party Committee strengthens and directs the unification of awareness and action for all cadres, and students of the School in implementing the strategic plan.

- The Dean organizes propaganda and dissemination of information, thoroughly grasps the strategic plan in the whole School. To develop and approve the specific roadmap for implementation of the overall strategy of the whole School and each of its subordinate units; to construct the main action matrix. Each activity should specify the goals to be achieved, the duration of implementation, the resources to be secured, the individual or organization to implement or coordinate, the output indicators; indicator measurement and validation. To set up measures, organizational mechanisms and direct implementation at all levels.

- Head of the sub-units under this strategic plan shall work out short-term, medium-term and long-term plans, appropriate action programs of the units and implement the plan.

- Mass organizations actively and creatively implement the strategic plan according to their functions, tasks and capacities.

- The Department of Administration and General Affairs is responsible for coordinating with the units of the School to advise and suggest the School leaders to implement the strategic plan through the development of the year plan of the School and of the units.

2. Organization of result monitoring and evaluation

- At the end of the school year, the units and the School organize a summation meeting to evaluate the results of the implementation of the plan and tasks in the year and adjust the strategic plan (if necessary) to suit the real situation. The result evaluation should clearly state what has been done, what has not been done and what solutions have been taken to solve the problem.

- Leaders of the School, Heads of underlying units direct drastically, inspect and supervise closely to successfully implement the strategic plan and annual programs and action plans.

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